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GIT - Day-1

Step-by-Step guide to setting up Git on Windows, Mac, and an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance, along with a sample project to practice with

###TOPIC 1: Install Git

  • Install Git on Windows

  • Install Git on Mac

  • Install Git On Amazon Linux 2 EC2 Instance


###TOPIC 2: Configure Git

  1. Create a Sample Project

  2. Initialize a Local Repository

###TOPIC 3: Create a Sample Project

  1. Initialize a Local Repository

  2. Create a new directory for your project:

  3. Create a README File

  4. Add the README file to the staging area:

  5. Commit the README file:


step-by-step guide to creating a new sample project to practice Following Git commands.


  1. git init: Initializes a new Git repository.

  2. ls -la: Lists all files and directories, including hidden ones.

  3. touch: Creates an empty file.

  4. echo: Outputs the given string to the terminal or file.

  5. git status: Displays the state of the working directory and the staging area.

  6. git add: Adds changes to the staging area.

  7. git commit: Records changes to the repository.

  8. git ls-files: Lists all files tracked by Git.

  9. git log: Shows the commit history.

  10. git log --oneline: Displays a simplified commit history.


Explaining the difference between "untracked" and "unstaged" files in Git, followed by a sample project to practice with.

### Untracked vs. Unstaged

git-assignment List

GIT - Day-1

Step-by-Step guide to setting up Git on Windows, Mac, and an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance, along with a sample project to practice with

###TOPIC 1: Install Git

  • Install Git on Windows

  • Install Git on Mac

  • Install Git On Amazon Linux 2 EC2 Instance

###TOPIC 2: Configure Git

  1. Create a Sample Project

  2. Initialize a Local Repository

###TOPIC 3: Create a Sample Project

  1. Initialize a Local Repository

  2. Create a new directory for your project:

  3. Create a README File

  4. Add the README file to the staging area:

  5. Commit the README file:


step-by-step guide to creating a new sample project to practice Following Git commands.


  1. git init: Initializes a new Git repository.

  2. ls -la: Lists all files and directories, including hidden ones.

  3. touch: Creates an empty file.

  4. echo: Outputs the given string to the terminal or file.

  5. git status: Displays the state of the working directory and the staging area.

  6. git add: Adds changes to the staging area.

  7. git commit: Records changes to the repository.

  8. git ls-files: Lists all files tracked by Git.

  9. git log: Shows the commit history.

  10. git log --oneline: Displays a simplified commit history.


Explaining the difference between "untracked" and "unstaged" files in Git, followed by a sample project to practice with.

### Untracked vs. Unstaged

GIT - Day-2

sample project to practice using `git diff` and `git diff --staged` commands.

  1. git diff

  2. git diff --staged


sample project to practice using `git rm`, and `git rm --cached` commands.

  1. git rm, and

  2. git rm --cached


sample project to practice using the `.gitignore` file in Git.

  1. `.gitignore` file


sample project to practice using `git revert`, `git log`, and `git show` commands.

  1. `git revert`

  2. `git log`

  3. `git show`


project to practice using `git reset` with its different options: `--hard`, `--soft`, and `--mixed`.

  1. git reset --soft

  2. git reset --mixed

  3. git reset --hard


explore the differences between `git revert` and `git reset` with examples.

  1. git reset

  2. git revert


project to practice using `git branch` and `git checkout` & `git merge`.

  1. git branch

  2. git checkout

  3. git merge

GIT - Day-3

###project to practice resolving Git conflicts.


###Project to Practice Git Stash

  1. git stash

  2. git stash list

  3. git show stash

  4. git stash pop

  5. git stash apply

  6. git stash drop

  7. git stash -p

  8. git stash clear

  9. git stash -u


###project that helps you practice the git rebase command with a realistic scenario.

  1. git rebase

GIT - Day-4

### Step-by-Step Guide: Sample Project for Git and GitHub

  1. Create a GitHub Account and Repository

  2. Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) on GitHub

  3. Set Up a Local Git Repository and Connect to GitHub

  4. Validate the Remote Branch

  5. Delete the Local Branch

  6. Delete the Remote Branch


### scenario to include multiple branches, allowing you to practice more advanced Git operations, such as merging and resolving conflicts.

  1. Create a GitHub Account and Repository (As Before)

  2. Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) on GitHub (As Before)

  3. Set Up the Project Locally and Connect to GitHub

  4. Create Multiple Branches Locally and Push to GitHub

  5. Merge Branches and Resolve Conflicts

  6. Validate and Clean Up Branches

  7. Merge `dev` into `main` and Final Cleanup


### Sample Project for Practicing `git clone`, `git pull`, and `git fetch`

  1. git clone

  2. git pull

  3. git fetch


### Project: Handling a File Conflict Between Local and Remote Repositories with git pull


### Project: Handling a File Conflict with `git pull --rebase`

GIT - Day-5

###Projects for Practicing Pull Requests (PR) and Forks

  1. Practicing Pull Requests

  2. Practicing Forks

DevOps Course New Batch | 6th April 2025 | 6:00  to 7:30 AM IST Price : 22000/-Rs | Duration : 2 Months

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